Bodha Itva Sangh Bhavam || बोधयित्वा सन्घ भावम्
नवशताब्दे कलीयुगाब्धे हिंदु धर्मो विजयताम्॥ध्रु॥राष्ट्रभक्तीम् सामरस्याम् दक्षसंपत प्रार्थनाभिः
वर्धयित्वा स्वाभिमानम् पान्चजन्यम् श्राव्यताम्
दीर्घतपसा पूर्णमनसा चारूवचसा वीरव्रुत्या
स्वार्थरहितम् ज्ञानसहितम् क्षात्रतेजो दर्शताम् ॥१॥वेदवाणी राष्ट्रवाणी धर्मसंस्क्रुती मूलगंगा
लोकभाषो जीवनार्थम् संस्क्रुतेन हि भाष्यताम्
हिन्दु दर्शन जीवभूता संस्कुतिः खलु विश्वमान्या
भव्यभारत वैभवार्थम् साच्यनित्यम् सेव्यताम् ॥२॥
ऐक्यभावम् वर्धयित्वा भेदभावम् वारयित्वा
मात्रुमन्दिर पूजनार्थम् नित्य शाखा गम्यताम्
हिन्दु बान्धव स्नेहबन्धस् सर्वसाधक शक्तिदायी
विश्वमन्गल शान्तिसुखदम् हिन्दुराष्ट्रम् राज्यताम् ॥३॥
English Transliteration
bodhayitvā sangha bhāvam nāśayitvā hīna bhāvam
navaśatābde kalīyugābdhe hiṁdu dharmo vijayatām ||dhru||
rāṣṭrabhaktīm sāmarasyām dakṣasaṁpata prārthanābhiaḥ
vardhayitvā svābhimānam pāncajanyam śrāvyatām
dīrghatapasā pūrṇamanasā cārūvacasā vīravrutyā
svārtharahitam jñānasahitam kṣātratejo darśatām ||1||
vedavāṇī rāṣṭravāṇī dharmasaṁskrutī mūlagaṁgā
lokabhāṣo jīvanārtham saṁskrutena hi bhāṣyatām
hindu darśana jīvabhūtā saṁskutiaḥ khalu viśvamānyā
bhavyabhārata vaibhavārtham sācyanityam sevyatām ||2||
aikyabhāvam vardhayitvā bhedabhāvam vārayitvā
mātrumandira pūjanārtham nitya śākhā gamyatām
hindu bāndhava snehabandhas sarvasādhaka śaktidāyī
viśvamangala śāntisukhadam hindurāṣṭram rājyatām ||3||
Hindu Dharma will be on a victorious path in this new century of Kali Yuga by defeating the inferior feelings and by spreading the message of Sangh. (Note: This song was composed in 1999 which was Kali Yuga year 5101 and hence the phrase – beginning of new century.)
Through the Shakha method of Daksha, Sampat and Prarthana, let us enhance the devotion to the nation, harmony in society, pride in our identity and let the sounds of Panchajanya(conch of Shri Krishna) echo all over the world. Through sustained penance, dedicated mind, words and deeds and thru valor, selflessness, and knowledge, let us display the warrior’s brilliance.
In Samskrit, the divine language, lie the roots of our culture. Let us speak Samskrit and make it the language of the masses. Hindu way of living and the view of life it offers is respected all over the world. Let us follow it for the glory of Bharat.
Nurturing the feeling of oneness and destroying the divisive feelings, let us attend Shakha regularly to worship Bharat Mata. Let Hindus come together in friendship and affection. Their united efforts shall bring peace and harmony in the world.